
Crop Stress Mitigator

Use Bombardier frequently to help plants defend themselves against adverse conditions.

Synergistic balanced effect on both the plant and the soil.

Plants – Contains a specific balanced aminogram and antioxidants that builds a strong stress
mitigating profile in plants with a bonus of 10% Nitrogen.
Soil – Contains a complex array of plant based soil biostimulants resulting in improved nutrient uptake.

Formulation – easy uptake by plants

  • Small particle size so plants expend less energy to assimilate nutrients.
  • Plant source so aminogram matches the plants.
  • Chelated with micronised organic molecules that break chemical blocks allowing nutrient uptake.



Foliar: 200-300ml/100L water
Fertigation: Drip: 5-10L/ha
Rehabilitation: 20L/ha

Greenhouse Vegetables: Apply throughout the cycle of the crop every 7-14
days; foliar or fertigate.
Vegetables: Leafy crops: Apply regularly in early stages of growth.
Fruiting Vegetables and Cut Flowers: 4-6 applications from the
beginning of the crop, depending on stress and development.
Strawberries: 6-8 L/ha Apply regularly through life of the crop.
Blueberries and Cranberries: 10L/ha Apply 3 times; budding, fruit setting
and fruit sizing.
Orchards, Citrus, Subtropical and Olives: Apply at bud break,
pre-bloom and once the fruit setting is complete. Use when crops stressed.
Vines: Apply during vegetative growth; repeat 2 to 3 times from post-berry set
until the beginning of ripening.
Cereals: Minimum dose: 4L/ha once. Can be applied mixed with herbicides.
In summer cereals, apply at 35-40 days after seeding.


Free Amino Acids 16.6%
Saccharides 7.9%
Fulvic Acid 29.6%
Organic Matter 76.7%

Amino Acids plant based for easier assimilation.

Amino Acid Composition % w/v

  • Glutamic Acid – 11.63
  • Alanine – 2.11
  • Aspartic Acid – 1.78
  • Proline – 0.66
  • Others – 0.66
  • (Glycine, Arginine, Threonine, Tyrosine, Valine, Lysine, Isoleucine,  Leucine, Serine, Phenylalanine, Histidine.)