Fulvic Acid Liquid

Fertiliser uptake enhancer

Compatible with a wide range of liquid fertilisers.
Very effective when used with foliar fertilisers.

Fulvic Acid Liquid is suitable for use directly as a foliar fertiliser or combined with other water-soluble fertilisers (NPK & trace elements). SFS Fulvic Acid Liquid bonds with most plant nutrients and makes them readily available for uptake by plants through foliar sprays, via overhead irrigation or hydroponic systems.

Fulvic acids are essential for plants to obtain their complete nutrition.

Fulvic acids are created by soil-based micro-organisms to make minerals and other nutrients easier for plants to take up.
Few Australian soils have adequate microbial life or enough soil organic matter to produce adequate amounts of fulvic acid.

Fulvic acids are widely known for their ability to:
  • Improve the uptake of nutrients by plants in foliar applications
  • Bond with plant nutrients to reduce their immobilisation in the soil
  • Promote quicker seed germination and faster root and shoot growth
  • Provide a valuable source of carbon for soil microorganisms
  • Improve the efficacy of many non-selective herbicides
  • Offer drought protection due to improved water storage

We recommend using Fulvic Acid Liquid in foliar sprays to get the multiple benefits of fulvic acid cost-effectively.

Direction For Use

Always agitate drum contents before use.

Application Rates

Foliar Spray
0.5% of tank mix; up to 2-3L/ha.

Fertigation Blends
Mix Fulvic Acid Liquid with liquid fertilisers at 0.5% of total mix (1 part of Fulvic Acid Liquid to 200 parts water or fertiliser solution) before application; up to 2-3L/ha.

1-3L per 10,000L water (re-circulating system).

Used to buffer nitrogen and improve uptake; reduces leaf damage from applications of UAN,
Urea and other ammonium fertilisers.

To reduce UAN scorch
Apply 1L-3L/ha Fulvic Acid Liquid in 100L mix, or 1L Fulvic Acid Liquid per 30L UAN.

Typical Analysis

Contain 10% Potassium Fulvate

Why Foliar Sprays Of Fulvic

Fulvic acid enhances nutrient uptake and plant growth at 10 – 300ppm in the soil or in foliar sprays (multiple references). As plants grow, expand and develop their root system it is not always practical to maintain these levels in the soil. Foliar applied fulvic acids can be a more convenient way to promote growth when plants develop a full canopy.

Following early bloom when fruit begins to size, crops daily nutrient demand can outstrip the ability of the soil to supply nutrients. Fulvic acid can provide extra help to the plants by improving nutrient availability and uptake during such critical growth stages.