Super Kelp SP

Soluble powder - stimulates root growth

Stimulates root growth

  • Improves tolerance to heat & cold
  • High quality kelp

Super Kelp SP is a high quality water soluble kelp. It is a source of natural nutrients including trace elements, amino acids and growth promoting substances. For use in liquid foliar, soil applied and irrigation water applications.
Super Kelp SP supports a healthy root system and crops under stress which is vital for longer term production and profitability. Improved root growth allows plants to absorb nutrients like P and Ca.
The benefits of Super Kelp SP include:

  • Increased root growth
  • Plants are better able to withstand environmental stresses (drought, frost, heat)
  • Increased chlorophyll production
  • Improved plant defence system
  • Increased nutritional value of feed crops
  • Improved flower retention and fruit set
  • Enhanced seed germination

Directions for Use

Super Kelp Soluble Powder is water soluble and is suitable for use in liquid foliar, soil applied and irrigation water applications.
Applied through standard spraying & fertigation equipment.
Always mix under vigorous agitation. Ensure all product is dissolved prior to application. Pre-mix at 1:10 with water; do not add solid to spray tank. Add Super Kelp Soluble Powder to the spray or fertigation tank first by half filling tank with water, begin agitating and then adding recommended amount of premixed Super Kelp SP.

Application Rates

Soil: 750 – 1kg/ha at key growth stages. Dilute with water.
Foliar Spray: 350 – 500g/ha; every 7-14 days. Dilute with water.
Seed Treatment: 500g/tonne of seed with 5L water
Transplant Dip: 100g/100L water
Broad-acre Crops: 100g – 200g/ha

Foliar – apply as fine mist until foliage wet. Use enough water for good spray coverage. Apply during cool part of day and prior to heat stress event, not during heat stress.
Use a mild rate of surfactant for maximum dispersal.
Irrigation – pre-mix 1:10 recommended before adding to supply tank. Continuous agitation of supply tank recommended. For Micro-sprinkler, solid set or drip irrigation apply after system fully pressurised. Inject for at least one hour then follow with clean water for 45 minutes to clear system of all product.

Vegetables – Short Season
Apply at the following growth stages
– Transplant or emergence, 7-10 days post transplant/emergence, 1-2 week intervals during season.
Vegetables – Long Season – including fruiting vegetables
Apply at the following growth stages
– Transplant or emergence, 7-10 days post transplant/emergence, 3-4 week intervals during season:
Apply at the following growth stages
– 80% emergence, tuber initiation, bulking up:
Fruit & Vines
Apply at the following growth stages
– early spring growth, pre-flowering, post flowering, early sizing, late sizing:
Alternatively apply with every foliar spray at 200 -300g/ha.
For heat and cold (frost) stress:
• Apply 36-48 hours prior to stress event as a foliar spray or via irrigation. During events it is recommended to apply via irrigation.
• Repeat every 14 days during extended heat and cold periods. For extra frost tolerance it can be mixed with 0.5% potassium fertiliser to help strengthen plants.
Drought Tolerance:
• Regular use during drought to stimulate root growth can help crops explore greater soil volume and access moisture.