
Ecological disinfectant.

Concentrated hydrogen peroxide which is stabilised and activated with silver.

Suited to surface, spray and water disinfection.

  • Tested against over 200 organisms
  • Reliably combats bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi
  • Decomposes into oxygen and water
  • Actively penetrates and eliminates bio-film layers
  • Suitable to treat drinking water

Sanibac is an ecological disinfectant concentrate for professional users; suited to surface, spray and water disinfection. Sanibac Ecological Disinfectant provides a highly effective and non-polluting disinfection technology. The active substance is hydrogen peroxide, which is stabilised and activated with colloidal silver.

When contacted by micro-organisms the hydrogen peroxide releases highly active oxygen that immediately attacks the cell membrane of the target organism. This reaction quickly destroys the cell wall and the effect is further intensified by the silver ions, which form a bond with cell proteins, inactivating or precipitating these proteins This results in a uniquely activated biocide effect of hydrogen peroxide. During the process Sanibac Ecological Disinfectant decomposes into oxygen gas and water.

When used on surfaces, Sanibac Ecological Disinfectant requires no rinsing and leaves behind a safe, non-detectable silver ion barrier that defends against regrowth.

Tested against over 200 micro-organisms.

Advantages Of Sanibac

Reliably combats bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi
– Actively penetrates and eliminates bio-film layers
– Depot effect (inhibits recontamination with germs) – Environmentally friendly (breaks down into water and oxygen)
– Highly effective in small concentrations – Exceeds the effect of most sanitisers with its ability to kill off bacteria, fungi, viruses, mildews, salmonellae and legionella.
– Stabilised; long shelf-life when stored correctly.
– Effective through a wide large temperature range
– Free from chlorine, formaldehyde, ammonium compounds
No odour nuisance
No known microbiological resistance (2-phase product)

Application Rates

For use as a general sanitiser, no rinse sanitiser, fruit and vegetable sanitiser, water treatment for animal and human consumption. Seek advice for specific situations.
Hard surface sanitiser – 0.5 -2% solution. Rinse with potable water.
No rinse sanitiser – 0.2 – 0.5% solution. (Organic users must rinse with potable water.)
Fruit & vegetable sanitiser – 30ml Sanibac per 1,000L water.
Drinking (potable) water treatment – 10-30ml Sanibac per 1,000L water. (Note: NASAA does not regulate potable water rates.)
Do not mix with other chemicals.

Typical Analysis

595g/L Hydrogen Peroxide
0.55g/L Silver Salts


Contact with combustible material may cause fire. Keep in cool place.

May intensify fire; oxidiser

Attacks eyes – protect when using.
Avoid skin contact.
Wear splash-proof goggles, rubber or PVC gloves, a face shield and coveralls. When an inhalation risk exists, wear and air-line respirator.